music, compilation, vaporwave Kevin Tetreault music, compilation, vaporwave Kevin Tetreault

Vaporwaverizor - Ep. 1 - 4/21/2021

  1. 恢复 - 2814

  2. Reflection - Eyeliner

  3. Esprit.Wav - ESPRIT 空想, George Clanton

  4. A Face Without Eyes - Nmesh

  5. 遠くの愛好家 - 2814

  6. Lynx - Hotel Pools, Windows 96

  7. Eco Zones - Blank Banshee

  8. Dream Treat - VAPERROR

  9. Tetralix - Blank Banshee

  10. Moonlight - Surfing

  11. Aqua Domain - VAPERROR

  12. ゲーム - death's dynamic shroud

  13. Sunshine Gradient - Haircuts for Men Remix - Dolphin Machine, Haircuts for Men

  14. Aquatic Ambience - Funk Fiction

  15. Somber Waves - Whitewoods

  16. SUMMER NEVER ENDS - architecture in tokyo

  17. Rituals - Windows 96

  18. Blue - bl00dwave, Riverwave

  19. Indigo Plateau! - Maitro

  20. Joining - t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者, VAPERROR

  21. Aquascaping ピ ラ ミ ッ ド - Catsystem Corp.

  22. Perfect Blue - Macross 82-99

  23. Chrome Country - Oneohtrix Point Never

  24. Roses - BarbWalters

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