Midnight By Moonlight - Ep. 6 - 9/25/2020

  1. Resurrection - ALEX

  2. Diesel and Blood - Neon Overdrive

  3. Ghost Dancers Slay Together - Perturbator

  4. Poison - Dance With the Dead

  5. Space Colony - Sub Morphine

  6. Complete Domination (feat. Carpenter Brut) - Perturbator, Carpenter Brut

  7. Her Ghost - Dance With the Dead

  8. Laser Evolution - DOOMROAR

  9. Oracle - Sub Morphine

  10. Apex One - Neon Droid

  11. Activate - Oscillian

  12. Decimate - DreamReaper

  13. Midnight Resurrection - The Hunt

  14. The Getaway - Turboslash Remix - TOKYO ROSE


  16. I Heard You Were Dead - John Carpenter

  17. Genesee Avenue - Gost

  18. Avenge Me - DEADLIFE

  19. Corrupted - Battlejuice

  20. Thunderground - Judge Bitch

  21. The Prowler - Gost

  22. Midnight Blood - Masked

  23. Turbo Killer - Carpenter Brut

*If you can afford to support these artists please, please do. Buy some tunes, order some albums, snag their merch. 2020 has been difficult for touring artists and your purchases will really help during this time. What am I saying, it always helps. Thanks!


Midnight By Moonlight - Ep. 7 - 10/02/2020


Midnight By Moonlight - Ep. 5 - 9/18/2020