Midnight By Moonlight - Ep. 41 - 6/18/2021

  1. Lost - F.O.O.L

  2. Rise Again - XENNON

  3. Satellite - Thought Beings

  4. It Starts With a Chip - OSC

  5. Don't Change - Parralox

  6. Night Fury - Neontenic

  7. Light Years - Droid Bishop

  8. Arrival - Lazerhawk

  9. Fight Those Invisible Ninjas - Watch Out For Snakes

  10. Shout - Blue Stahli & Sunset Neon Remix - Scandroid, Blue Stahli, Sunset Neon

  11. Cobra - Dance With the Dead

  12. Blue Monday - Megan McDuffee, Sim Mix

  13. Walk - Swarz

  14. Richter - Makeup And Vanity Set

  15. Berserker Class Behemoth WarMech - Street Cleaner

  16. Entity Drive - STRNGR, Destryur

  17. Hereditary - Moris Blak, Into The Pale Abyss


  19. Death Spiral - Glitch Black

  20. The Prowler - Gregorio Franco

  21. Redline - Emmett Brown

  22. Sexkiller On The Loose - Carpenter Brut

  23. The Duel for Eternal Supremacy - Vulta

This crystal ball says you wanna pay these artists … go find them using search magic and drop them off some gold. Buying albums from Bandcamp goes way further than streaming them on the other services; please consider going that route.


Midnight By Moonlight - Ep. 42 - 6/25/2021


Midnight By Moonlight - Ep. 40 - 6/11/2021